Health Care Survey
These questions pertain to your opinion about health care delivery and costs. There are no wrong or right answers. Your answers are completely anonymous.- Health care is a right.TrueFalse
- Health care costs too much in the US.TrueFalse
- Which of the following has been most important in increasing health care costs? (choose one)Administrative costsAn aging populationDrug costsInsurance company overheadPhysician feesOther
- Which of the following medical personnel are overpaid? (check all that apply)Hospital administratorsInsurance personnelNursesPrimary care physiciansSpecialty care physiciansTechnicians (laboratory, radiology, research)
- Which of the following medical personnel are underpaid? (check all that apply)Hospital administratorsInsurance personnelNursesPrimary care physiciansSpecialty care physiciansTechnicians (laboratory, radiology, research)
- Which of the following method do you favor for paying for health care? (choose one)Keep the present systemMedicare for allMandatory managed care plansKeep private insurance but add a government optionNone of the above
- Which of the below innovations have improved quality in health care? (check all that apply)Better pharmaceuticals (for example long-acting bronchodilators, immunotherapy for lung cancer)Clinical decision supportConvenience of care (for example retail clinics, urgent care centers)Electronic medical recordsInternet access for medical education (for example looking up specific questions, on-line education)Telehealth
- Which of the following best describes your role in health care? (choose one)Health care administratorHospital employeeInsurance company employeeNursePatientPrimary care physician (or resident)Specialty care physician (or resident)StudentTechnician (laboratory, radiology, research)Other
- Please explain if you checked other above or have a comment.