4. The frontal chest radiograph shows lingular and left lower lobe consolidation and left pleural effusion
The frontal chest radiograph shows fairly homogeneous opacity obscuring the left heart and left diaphragm borders associated with peripherally located opacity, with a meniscoid shape, suggesting left pleural effusion. The lung volumes are diminished (rather than enlarged, as suggested in choice 2), but features of fibrotic lung disease- linear and reticular opacities with architectural distortion and honeycombing- are lacking. No evidence of pulmonary nodules is seen and the hilar and mediastinal contours do not suggest lymph node enlargement.
Clinical Course: Red blood cell and platelet transfusion was begun, and intravenous antibiotic therapy was started for a presumptive diagnosis of healthcare-acquired pneumonia. Additionally, intravenous corticosteroid therapy was begun given the patient’s history of asthma and the detection of wheezing at physical examination. Unenhanced thoracic CT was performed (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Panels A-F: selected static images from axial unenhanced thoracic CT. Lower left: movie of unenhanced CT scan in lung windows. Lower right: movie of unenhanced CT in soft tissue windows.
Which of the following statements regarding the findings at thoracic CT (Figure 2) is most accurate? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the 3rd of 7 panels)