1. The frontal chest radiograph shows an abnormal mediastinal contour

The frontal chest radiograph shows normal lung volumes and clear lungs; no pleural abnormality is present. There is no evidence of cystic lung disease or basal fibrotic abnormalities. An abnormal mediastinal contour is present on both the frontal and lateral chest radiographic projections (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Frontal (A) and lateral (B) chest radiography shows an abnormal mediastinal contour creating a convex “bulge” in the ayzgoesophageal recess (arrows, A). The abnormal mediastinal contour is clearly visible in the infrahilar window region on the lateral chest radiograph (arrows, B).

Regarding the frontal chest radiograph (Figure 1) abnormality, which of the following statements regarding the chest radiograph is most accurate? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the third of nine pages)

  1. The abnormal mediastinal contour affects the aorto-pulmonary window
  2. The abnormal mediastinal contour affects the ayzgoesophageal recess
  3. The abnormal mediastinal contour affects the pre-aortic space
  4. The abnormal mediastinal contour affects the right para-aortic stripe
  5. The abnormal mediastinal contour affects the right paratracheal stripe
