3. Frontal chest radiography shows mediastinal lymphadenopathy

Frontal chest radiography shows a normal heart size. Patchy areas of ground-glass opacity are present in the right lung, and a nodule is present in the medial right upper lobe. The right hilum appears enlarged and the right paratracheal region is thickened, suggesting lymph node enlargement in both locations. No pleural effusion is seen.

Based on the chest radiographic findings, which of the following is accurate? (Click on the correct answer to be directed to the third of fourteen pages).

  1. Frontal chest radiographic findings most likely represent COVID-19 infection
  2. Frontal chest radiographic findings most likely represent fungal infection
  3. Frontal chest radiographic findings most likely represent sarcoidosis
  4. Frontal chest radiographic findings most likely represent viral infection other than COVID-19
  5. Frontal chest radiographic findings most likely represent bacterial pneumonia
