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Telemedicine Questionnaire

  • Telemedicine Questionnaire

    This questionnaire is designed for healthcare providers. The questions pertain to your experience and opinion about telemedicine. There are no wrong or right answers. Your answers are completely anonymous.
  • Do you currently offer telemedicine patients visits? *
  • Which patients are being offered telemedicine visits? *
    New patients
    Established patients
    New and established patients
  • Did you offer telemedicine before the COVID-19 pandemic? *
  • Which telemedicine platform are you using? *
    CareTime MD
    Cerner (Virtual Health Care integrated platform)
    Cloud DX
    Epic (MyChart integrated platform)
    FrontRunners 2020
    NextGen Virtual Visits (Formerly known as OTTO Health)
  • If you answered other to the above, please type in your plaform below.
  • How was the telemedicine platform chosen? *
    On the basis of reviews
    Offered with the electronic healthcare record currently in use
    Don’t know
  • If you answered other to the above, please type in the basis of chosing your platform.
  • How often are you able to establish a link with the patient using your telemedicine platform? *
    Nearly always (over 80% of the time).
    Most of the time (60-80% of the time)
    About half the time (40-60% of the time)
    Sometimes. (20-40% of the time)
    Almost never (less than 20% of the time)
  • How satisfied are you with your telemedicine platform? *
    Very satisfied. We hope if becomes a permanent part of healthcare
    Mostly satisfied. It serves most patients well but some complex patients are better seen in person.
    Neither satisfied or dissatisfied.
    Mostly dissatisfied. It serves a few patients but not most.
    Very dissatisfied. It should not be used.
  • As percentage time, about what percent does documentation consume of the total telemedicine visit? *
    None (<5%)
    A little (<20%)
    Some (20-50%)
    A lot (50-80%)
    Most (>80%)
  • The reimbursement for telemedicine visits compared to regular office visits is *
    Much less (50-70%)
    Somewhat less (70-90%)
    About the same as a regular office visit (90-110%)
    Higher than a regular office visit (>110%)
    Don’t know
  • What benefits do you see with telemedicine? (check all that apply) *
    Decreased exposure to COVID-19 for both patient and provider
    Documentation is reduced
    More efficient in that more patients can be seen
    Preferred by patients
    Saves provider time
  • If you checked other to the above, please type in the benefit(s) do you see?
  • What disadvantages do you see with telemedicine? (check all that apply) *
    Disliked by patients
    Increased documentation requirements and time
    Leads to incorrect diagnosis and/or treatment
    Less efficient in that requires more time to see fewer patients
    Reduces personal interaction with patients
  • If you answered other to the above, what disadvantage(s) do you see?