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Southwest Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowships
In Memoriam


Last 50 Editorials

(Most recent listed first. Click on title to be directed to the manuscript.)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Nominated as HHS Secretary: Choices for Senators
   and Healthcare Providers
If You Want to Publish, Be Part of the Process
A Call for Change in Healthcare Governance (Editorial & Comments)
The Decline in Professional Organization Growth Has Accompanied the
   Decline of Physician Influence on Healthcare
Hospitals, Aviation and Business
Healthcare Labor Unions-Has the Time Come?
Who Should Control Healthcare? 
Book Review: One Hundred Prayers: God's answer to prayer in a COVID
One Example of Healthcare Misinformation
Doctor and Nurse Replacement
Combating Physician Moral Injury Requires a Change in Healthcare
How Much Should Healthcare CEO’s, Physicians and Nurses Be Paid?
Improving Quality in Healthcare
Not All Dying Patients Are the Same
Medical School Faculty Have Been Propping Up Academic Medical
   Centers, But Now Its Squeezing Their Education and Research
   Bottom Lines
Deciding the Future of Healthcare Leadership: A Call for Undergraduate
   and Graduate Healthcare Administration Education
Time for a Change in Hospital Governance
Refunds If a Drug Doesn’t Work
Arizona Thoracic Society Supports Mandatory Vaccination of Healthcare
Combating Morale Injury Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Clinical Care of COVID-19 Patients in a Front-line ICU
Why My Experience as a Patient Led Me to Join Osler’s Alliance
Correct Scoring of Hypopneas in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Reduces
   Cardiovascular Morbidity
Trump’s COVID-19 Case Exposes Inequalities in the Healthcare System
Lack of Natural Scientific Ability
What the COVID-19 Pandemic Should Teach Us
Improving Testing for COVID-19 for the Rural Southwestern American Indian
Does the BCG Vaccine Offer Any Protection Against Coronavirus Disease
2020 International Year of the Nurse and Midwife and International Nurses’
Who Should be Leading Healthcare for the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Why Complexity Persists in Medicine
Fatiga de enfermeras, el sueño y la salud, y garantizar la seguridad del
   paciente y del publico: Unir dos idiomas (Also in English)
CMS Rule Would Kick “Problematic” Doctors Out of Medicare/Medicaid
Not-For-Profit Price Gouging
Some Clinics Are More Equal than Others
Blue Shield of California Announces Help for Independent Doctors-A
Medicare for All-Good Idea or Political Death?
What Will Happen with the Generic Drug Companies’ Lawsuit: Lessons from
   the Tobacco Settlement
The Implications of Increasing Physician Hospital Employment
More Medical Science and Less Advertising
The Need for Improved ICU Severity Scoring
A Labor Day Warning
Keep Your Politics Out of My Practice
The Highest Paid Clerk
The VA Mission Act: Funding to Fail?
What the Supreme Court Ruling on Binding Arbitration May Mean to
Kiss Up, Kick Down in Medicine 
What Does Shulkin’s Firing Mean for the VA?
Guns, Suicide, COPD and Sleep


For complete editorial listings click here.

The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care welcomes submission of editorials on journal content or issues relevant to the pulmonary, critical care or sleep medicine. Authors are urged to contact the editor before submission.


Entries in Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center (1)


Competition or Cooperation? 

One of our local institutions, the Mayo Clinic Arizona, was mentioned in a recent op-ed in the New York Times. The editorial entitled, “It Costs More, but Is It Worth More?” by Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Steven D. Pearson (1), criticizes the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and Arizona for building two new proton beam treatment facilities at a cost of more than $180 million dollars each.  It accuses the Mayo Clinic of participating in “…a medical arms race for proton beam machines, which could cost taxpayers billions of dollars for a treatment that, in many cases, appears to be no better than cheaper alternatives”. The editorial states that except for a handful of rare pediatric cancers, the evidence is lacking for treatment of other types of cancer such as lung, esophageal, breast, head and neck, and prostate cancers.

John Noseworthy MD, President and Chief Executive of the Mayo Clinic, replied that the Mayo Clinic “will carefully study proton therapy and other new therapies, compare clinical outcomes and offer high-quality, cost-effective, proven and safer treatments for patients”. In another letter to the Minneapolis StarTribune, Nosewothy goes on to say, “Mayo Clinic takes serious issue with the authors' use of Mayo Clinic and its programs in this manner. As a not-for-profit institution, we are motivated by the best interests of our patients, not ‘profit’ or competitiveness. With the facility costs, start-up expenses and the extensive training required to offer this therapy, we do not expect to break even, much less earn a ‘profit,’ on our proton therapy program for years”.

I am not an expert in either cancer treatment or proton beam therapy, but a weekend search of the medical literature largely confirms that the therapy is unproven for most cancers, although there was no evidence that proton beam is inferior to more traditional means of delivering radiation therapy. Second, the cost of proton beam therapy is high. Costs are about $55,000 plus $15,000 in physician fees per patient for the therapy alone, twice as much as a linear accelerator. This sounds like a lot of money but you still need an estimated volume of about 2,000-3,500 patients per year to cover an investment of over $180 million investment.

So why are the Mayo Clinic and others constructing these centers since they are expensive; mostly of unproven superiority over existing therapies; and reimbursement, although generous, may not cover the cost of the facility? The answer is likely competition. Competition for patients largely drives tertiary referral centers. Locally, there is a small war going on between the Mayo Clinic Arizona and the new Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center. Mayo Clinic is concerned about MD Anderson having greater name recognition and losing its patients to the new center. Banner in partnership with MD Anderson sees an opportunity to compete in a large metropolitan center without a strong university medical center. Mayo Clinic Arizona undoubtedly feels that new technologies such as proton beam are necessary to compete with MD Anderson, especially since MD Anderson has a proton beam therapy unit in Houston.  

All this is probably not good for patients and illustrates that competition in medicine does not necessarily lead to cheaper, more effective care. Patients will be easily persuaded to receive the latest and greatest therapy when their life is on the line, especially when the bulk of the cost is covered by a third party. Whether proton beam therapy is the latest and greatest is fairly difficult to determine at this time, given the absence of well designed, randomized studies. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) process of determining reimbursement costs is largely a mystery but needs to show some restraint. Large reimbursements for unproven therapies such as proton beam while underfunding areas with well demonstrated benefits is not in the best public interest. Furthermore, instead of directly or indirectly encouraging competition, CMS needs to foster cooperation. Perhaps requiring hospitals to work together to study the effectiveness of proton beam to get reimbursed would be a good first step. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off” (5).

Richard A. Robbins, MD

Editor, Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care


  1. Emanuel EJ, Pearson SD. It costs more, but is it worth it? New York Times. (accessed 1-23-12).
  2. Noseworthy J. Mayo clinic’s investment. New York Times. (accessed 1-23-12).
  3. Nosewothy J.  Mayo CEO defends use of proton beam therapy. Minneapolis StarTribune (accessed 1-23-12).
  4. Clark C. What would super committee say about $430m proton beam center war? (accessed 1-23-12).
  5. (accessed 1-23-12).

Reference as: Robbins RA. Competition or cooperation? Southwest J Pulm Crit Care 2012;4:30-1. (Click here for a PDF version of the editorial)