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Southwest Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowships
In Memoriam

Pulmonary Journal Club

(Click on title to be directed to posting, most recent listed first)

May 2017 Phoenix Pulmonary/Critical Care Journal Club
October 2015 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: Lung Volume Reduction
September 2015 Tucson Pulmonary Journal Club: Genomic Classifier
   for Lung Cancer
April 2015 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: Endo-Bronchial Ultrasound in
   Diagnosing Tuberculosis
February 2015 Tucson Pulmonary Journal Club: Fibrinolysis for PE
January 2015 Tucson Pulmonary Journal Club: Withdrawal of Inhaled
    Glucocorticoids in COPD
January 2015 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: Noninvasive Ventilation In 
   Acute Respiratory Failure
September 2014 Tucson Pulmonary Journal Club: PANTHEON Study
June 2014 Tucson Pulmonary Journal Club: Pirfenidone in Idiopathic
   Pulmonary Fibrosis
September 2014 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: Inhaled Antibiotics
August 2014 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: The Use of Macrolide
   Antibiotics in Chronic Respiratory Disease
June 2014 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: New Therapies for IPF
   and EBUS in Sarcoidosis
March 2014 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: Palliative Care
February 2014 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: Smoking Cessation
January 2014 Pulmonary Journal Club: Interventional Guidelines
December 2013 Tucson Pulmonary Journal Club: Hypothermia
December 2013 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: Lung Cancer
November 2013 Tucson Pulmonary Journal Club: Macitentan
November 2013 Phoenix Pulmonary Journal Club: Pleural Catheter
October 2013 Tucson Pulmonary Journal Club: Tiotropium Respimat 
October 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club: Pulmonary Artery
September 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club: Riociguat; Pay the Doctor
August 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club: Pneumococcal Vaccine
   Déjà Vu
July 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club
June 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club
May 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club
March 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club
February 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club
January 2013 Pulmonary Journal Club
December 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
November 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
October 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
September 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
August 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
June 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
June 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
May 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
April 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
March 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
February 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
January 2012 Pulmonary Journal Club
December 2011 Pulmonary/Sleep Journal Club
October, 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club
September, 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club
August, 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club
July 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club
May, 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club
April, 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club
February 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club 
January 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club 
December 2010 Pulmonary Journal Club


Both the Phoenix Good Samaritan/VA and the Tucson University of Arizona fellows previously had a periodic pulmonary journal club in which current or classic pulmonary articles were reviewed and discussed. A brief summary was written of each discussion describing thearticle and the strengths and weaknesses of each article.


Entries in Roflumilast (1)


April, 2011 Pulmonary Journal Club

Calverly P, Rabe K, Goehring UM, Kristiansen S, Fabbri LM, Martinez FJ; M2-124 and M2-125 study groups. Roflumilast in symptomatic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: two randomised clinical trials. Lancet 2009;374:685-94. (Click here for PDF version of article)

Reference as: Mathew M, Hurley J. April, 2011 pulmonary journal club. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care 2011;2:58. (Click here for PDF version of journal club)

The use of phosphodiesterase inhibitors in COPD is not a noveau concept. Since their introduction in the early 1970's its role in COPD has been tangental. Nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as aminophylline and theophylline showed efficacy as bronchodilators and anti-inflammatories. The nonselective PDE inhibitors fell out of favor due to its side effect profile and narrow therapeutic index. With the approval of roflumilast by the Federal Drug Administration, we reviewed the study by Calverly et al. which reviewed two trials of roflumilast as a selective PDE4 inhibitor and its capacity to improve lung function and reduce COPD exacerbations. The two studies were large multicenter double blinded placebo controlled trials which followed patients over 52 weeks.  Patients with severe COPD were divided into two subsets; a placebo group and a roflumilast treatment group. Primary endpoints were a change in FEV1 and number of COPD exacerbations. The results showed patients on roflumilast had a slight statistically significant improvement in lung function with an increase in prebronchodilator FEV1 of 40ml. The study also showed a reduction in COPD exacerbations by 17% in the treatment arm. Main side effects were severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and an average weight loss of 4.2 kg when compared to placebo. The main limitation of this study is that it failed to show that medication related improvements were anything more than a bronchodilator effect. A cost analysis would also have been helpful.

Overall, Roflumilast as a new selective PDE4 inhibitor does show some mild improvement in lung function and reduction in COPD exacerbations. However, the benefits are small and cost may be a factor. Its main role may be limited to very severe COPD patients with cardiac disease and a BMI greater than 30.  


Manoj Mathew, MD, FCCP, MCCM

Jessica Hurley, MD