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Southwest Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowships

Critical Care

Last 50 Critical Care Postings

(Most recent listed first. Click on title to be directed to the manuscript.)

October 2024 Critical Care Case of the Month: Respiratory Failure in a
   Patient with Ulcerative Colitis
July 2024 Critical Care Case of the Month: Community-Acquired
April 2024 Critical Care Case of the Month: A 53-year-old Man Presenting
   with Fatal Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage and Cryptogenic Disseminated
   Intravascular Coagulopathy
Delineating Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Variants in Severe Burn Injury
   Cases: A Retrospective Case Series with Literature Review
Doggonit! A Classic Case of Severe Capnocytophaga canimorsus Sepsis
January 2024 Critical Care Case of the Month: I See Tacoma
October 2023 Critical Care Case of the Month: Multi-Drug Resistant
   K. pneumoniae
May 2023 Critical Care Case of the Month: Not a Humerus Case
Essentials of Airway Management: The Best Tools and Positioning for 
   First-Attempt Intubation Success (Review)
March 2023 Critical Care Case of the Month: A Bad Egg
The Effect of Low Dose Dexamethasone on the Reduction of Hypoxaemia
   and Fat Embolism Syndrome After Long Bone Fractures
Unintended Consequence of Jesse’s Law in Arizona Critical Care Medicine
Impact of Cytomegalovirus DNAemia Below the Lower Limit of
   Quantification: Impact of Multistate Model in Lung Transplant Recipients
October 2022 Critical Care Case of the Month: A Middle-Aged Couple “Not
   Acting Right”
Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Right Ventricular Strain: Utility in the
   Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism
Point of Care Ultrasound Utility in the Setting of Chest Pain: A Case of
   Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
A Case of Brugada Phenocopy in Adrenal Insufficiency-Related Pericarditis
Effect Of Exogenous Melatonin on the Incidence of Delirium and Its 
   Association with Severity of Illness in Postoperative Surgical ICU Patients
Pediculosis As a Possible Contributor to Community-Acquired MRSA
   Bacteremia and Native Mitral Valve Endocarditis
April 2022 Critical Care Case of the Month: Bullous Skin Lesions in
   the ICU
Leadership in Action: A Student-Run Designated Emphasis in
   Healthcare Leadership
MSSA Pericarditis in a Patient with Systemic Lupus
   Erythematosus Flare
January 2022 Critical Care Case of the Month: Ataque Isquémico
   Transitorio in Spanish 
Rapidly Fatal COVID-19-associated Acute Necrotizing
   Encephalopathy in a Previously Healthy 26-year-old Man 
Utility of Endobronchial Valves in a Patient with Bronchopleural Fistula in
   the Setting of COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report and Brief Review
October 2021 Critical Care Case of the Month: Unexpected Post-
   Operative Shock 
Impact of In Situ Education on Management of Cardiac Arrest after
   Cardiac Surgery
A Case and Brief Review of Bilious Ascites and Abdominal Compartment
   Syndrome from Pancreatitis-Induced Post-Roux-En-Y Gastric Remnant
Methylene Blue Treatment of Pediatric Patients in the Cardiovascular
   Intensive Care Unit
July 2021 Critical Care Case of the Month: When a Chronic Disease
   Becomes Acute
Arizona Hospitals and Health Systems’ Statewide Collaboration Producing a 
   Triage Protocol During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ultrasound for Critical Care Physicians: Sometimes It’s Better to Be Lucky
   than Smart
High Volume Plasma Exchange in Acute Liver Failure: A Brief Review
April 2021 Critical Care Case of the Month: Abnormal Acid-Base Balance
   in a Post-Partum Woman
First-Attempt Endotracheal Intubation Success Rate Using A Telescoping
   Steel Bougie 
January 2021 Critical Care Case of the Month: A 35-Year-Old Man Found
   Down on the Street
A Case of Athabaskan Brainstem Dysgenesis Syndrome and RSV
   Respiratory Failure
October 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: Unexplained
   Encephalopathy Following Elective Plastic Surgery
Acute Type A Aortic Dissection in a Young Weightlifter: A Case Study with
   an In-Depth Literature Review
July 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: Not the Pearl You Were
   Looking For...
Choosing Among Unproven Therapies for the Treatment of Life-Threatening
   COVID-19 Infection: A Clinician’s Opinion from the Bedside
April 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: Another Emerging Cause
   for Infiltrative Lung Abnormalities
Further COVID-19 Infection Control and Management Recommendations for
   the ICU
COVID-19 Prevention and Control Recommendations for the ICU
Loperamide Abuse: A Case Report and Brief Review
Single-Use Telescopic Bougie: Case Series
Safety and Efficacy of Lung Recruitment Maneuvers in Pediatric Post-
   Operative Cardiac Patients
January 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: A Code Post Lung 
   Needle Biopsy
October 2019 Critical Care Case of the Month: Running Naked in the


For complete critical care listings click here.

The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care publishes articles directed to those who treat patients in the ICU, CCU and SICU including chest physicians, surgeons, pediatricians, pharmacists/pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, critical care nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Manuscripts may be either basic or clinical original investigations or review articles. Potential authors of review articles are encouraged to contact the editors before submission, however, unsolicited review articles will be considered.



Single-Use Telescopic Bougie: Case Series

Evan Denis Schmitz MD

La Jolla, CA USA


AIRODTM is a single-use telescopic bougie that is small enough to fit into a pocket. AIRODTM is sterile and can be expanded in hast when needed, saving precious seconds, while attempting to intubate a patient. The non-malleable bougie is able to overcome the compressive force of the oropharyngeal tissue improving the view of the vocal cords and facilitating advancement of an endotracheal tube into the trachea along with a laryngoscope. This series reports four cases of successful first pass intubation with the AIRODTM.


There are approximately 50 million intubations performed a year with 1/3 of those occurring in the USA. A multicenter registry of ED intubations, reporting data from 2002-2012, found that approximately 12% of intubations resulted in adverse intubation-related events such as death (1). In order to reduce the likelihood of adverse events it is imperative that the first attempt at endotracheal intubation is successful (2). Despite increasing adoption of expensive video laryngoscopy first-attempt intubation success rates are only 85% (1). The BEAM trial reported a 96% success rate in first-attempt intubation of a difficult airway with a bougie vs only 82% with endotracheal tube + stylet (3).

AIRODTM was designed to aid in the advancement of an endotracheal tube past the vocal cords with the use of a laryngoscope (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Single-Use Telescopic Bougie in the closed (A) and extended (B) position with an endotracheal tube loaded at the distal end.

AIRODTM can also improve the view of the vocal cords during intubation by displacing oropharyngeal tissue. The following case series demonstrates the usefulness of the AIRODTM: each of the 4 intubations were successful on the first attempt and facilitated by the single-use telescopic bougie without causing any trauma. All intubations were performed by the author.

Case 1

A 70-year-old woman with severe COPD not on home oxygen presented with an oxygen saturation of 70%. She was found to have multi-lobar pneumonia predominately in the right upper and middle lobes. Despite bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) therapy her hypoxia worsened, and she required intubation. Inspection of her oropharynx prior to intubation revealed very prominent 1st incisors as well as canines that were eroded at the roots left worse than right. Multiple black, necrotic molars were noted, right worse than left, with a putrid odor. Her oxygen saturation, despite being on 15L nasal cannula, hovered in the low 90s. In anticipation of a difficult airway the AIRODTM was prepared by extended the rods and ensuring the rods were in the locked position. A Miller 4 blade was gently inserted past the teeth and into the oropharynx. A grade 2 view (larynx plus the posterior surface of epiglottis) was obtained. This was immediately followed by gentle insertion of the AIRODTM which was advanced just distal to the vocal cords. An 8.0 endotracheal tube was advanced down the AIRODTM by the respiratory therapist while the AIRODTM was held in position. As the endotracheal tube was advanced into the oropharynx, hand position was changed from holding the AIRODTM to holding the tip of the endotracheal tube while the respiratory therapist held the distal end of the AIRODTM. The endotracheal tube was then advanced past the vocal cords and into the trachea while the respiratory therapist removed the AIRODTM with ease. No complications occurred. No trauma occurred to the oropharynx, vocal cords or trachea. The patient was successful ventilated and oxygen saturations improved to high 90s.

Case 2

A61-year-old man with severe schizophrenia and acute delirium had a PaO2 of 61 mmHg despite BiPAP 14/6 on 90% fio2 with a minute ventilation of 18 L/min from multi-lobar pneumonia. A Miller 4 blade was gently inserted past the teeth and into the oropharynx. A grade 1 view (whole vocal cords seen; the epiglottis is not seen at all) was obtained. The AIRODTM was gently advanced 2 cm past the vocal cords followed by an assistant advancing a 7.5 endotracheal tube down the AIRODTM until grasped, then the endotracheal tube was slid into the trachea while the assistant held the distal end of the AIRODTM. The AIRODTM was then removed intact with no evidence of airway trauma.

Case 3

A 54-year-old man with severe coronary artery disease on aspirin and Plavix with a history of a seizure disorder associated with alcohol withdrawal became unresponsive and a code blue was called. He was found to be apneic with oxygen saturation in the 50s. He was stimulated by the hospitalist and woke up. He was transferred to the ICU where he became completely unresponsive again and became apneic. He was immediately ventilated with a bag-valve mask and oxygenation improved to 100%. He then bolted up out of bed and became very combative. Propofol was given and he was laid supine and ventilated with a bag-valve mask. Inspection of his oropharynx revealed a very large tongue, some missing and multiple sharp teeth with mouth opening of only 2 fingerbreadths. There was blood and emesis in his oropharynx that was suctioned. A Miller 4 blade was inserted into the oropharynx but only a grade 4 view (the anterior tip of the epiglottis is seen and encroaching on the view of vocal cords obstructing <50% of view) could be obtained. The AIRODTM was inserted into the oropharynx in the fully extended and locked position and the proximal tip was used to gently lift the epiglottis exposing the vocal cords and improving the view to a grade 2. AIRODTM was advanced 2 cm past the vocal cords and an assistant advanced an 8.0 endotracheal tube down the AIRODTM until it was grasped, and the endotracheal tube was advanced successfully past the vocal cords while the assistant held the distal end of the AIRODTM. The AIRODTM was removed intact without any oropharyngeal or vocal cord trauma.

Case 4

A 48-year-old obese who was an alcoholic and a smoker was critically ill with an admission albumin of 0.9 and lactic acid of 9 with multiorgan system failure from an intra-abdominal abscess with septic shock on 15 mcg/min of epinephrine and 25 mcg/min of Levophed. He was obtunded and in acute respiratory failure. The AIRODTM was pre-loaded with an 8.0 endotracheal tube onto the distal end of the AIRODTM prior to providing sedation with Etomidate and bag-valve mask ventilation in anticipation of a difficult airway: full beard, mouth opening 2 cm, large tongue, collapse of the walls of the oropharynx as well as false cords. Using a Miller 4 blade a grade 2 view was obtained and the AIRODTM was advanced 1 cm past the vocal cords followed by the endotracheal tube while an assistant held the distal end. There was no significant desaturation or trauma to the vocal cords or oropharynx. Pre-loading the AIRODTM with the endotracheal tube improved the speed and autonomy of the intubation.


AIRODTM is a single-use telescopic endotracheal intubation bougie. It is rigid, made of stainless steel and sterilized. It telescopes to two feet and has a specialized 20-degree angled tip. Once expanded it locks so it cannot be retracted. An endotracheal tube 7.0 or greater can be advanced over the telescoping bougie for smooth placement in the adult trachea.

AIRODTM is non-malleable and can gently displace oropharyngeal tissue, it does not sag and pull like plastic bougies, the unique locking mechanism prevents collapse and the square handle improves dexterity as well as spatial awareness of the proximal tip.

AIRODTM telescopes open allowing for storage in small spaces such as a pocket or a crash cart without damaging its integrity like so many bougies that are ruined when bent for storage. Because of its small size, it can be stored in a myriad of places and easily accessed by emergency personnel in the field, emergency department, intensive care unit and operating room.

AIRODTM can be used with multiple different varieties of laryngoscopes. My preference is a Miller 4 laryngoscope because of the ability to lift the epiglottis and visualize the vocal cords especially in patients with a large tongue, limited mouth opening and decreased neck mobility. The AIRODTM can be slid along the length of the laryngoscope blade if needed to overcome the force of oropharyngeal tissue. Once the AIRODTM is advanced a few centimeters past the vocal cords the rigidity of the AIRODTM allows advancement of the endotracheal tube with ease because it can withstand the forces applied by the oropharyngeal tissue without significant bending. I have also used a Macintosh laryngoscope with the AIRODTM which allows for displacement of the tongue and oropharyngeal tissue but placement into the vallecula above the epiglottis can limit exposure to the vocal cords. The AIRODTM can overcome the limitation of the Macintosh laryngoscope by directly lifting the epiglottis, exposing the vocal cords then the AIRODTM can be gently slid along the posterior surface of the epiglottis past the vocal cords followed by advancement of an endotracheal tube for successful intubation. Because the AIRODTM is made of steel, similar to the Gliderite stylet used with the Glidescope as well as laryngoscopes and rigid bronchoscopes, it is possible that if used incorrectly trauma to the oropharynx as well as the trachea may occur, and caution is advised.

The cost of the AIRODTM is similar to the Glidescope’s disposable covers that are used with each intubation. Because of the loss of direct sight and acute angles involved in the process of advancing an introducer during intubation with the Glidescope I do not recommend using the AIRODTM with the Glidescope. The AIRODTM was designed only to be used with adults.


AIRODTM is a sterile single-use telescopic bougie that is used along with a laryngoscope when performing endotracheal intubation. Because of its small size it is easily stored in a pocket, helicopter, ambulance, crash cart, operating room, emergency department, intubation box and in the intensive care unit. Its rigidity helps displace oropharyngeal tissue improving the view of the vocal cords and it facilitates advancement of an endotracheal tube. It can also be used in the closed position as a stylet making it an ideal instrument for first-attempt intubation along with a laryngoscope.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures

The author Evan Denis Schmitz, MD is the inventor of the AIRODTM.


  1. Brown CA 3rd, Bair AE, Pallin DJ, Walls RM; NEAR III Investigators. Techniques, success, and adverse events of emergency department adult intubations. Ann Emerg Med. 2015 Apr;65(4):363-70. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  2. Sakles JC, Chiu S, Mosier J, Walker C, Stolz U. The importance of first pass success when performing orotracheal intubation in the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med. 2013 Jan;20(1):71-8. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  3. Driver BE, Prekker ME, Klein LR, Reardon RF, Miner JR, Fagerstrom ET, Cleghorn MR, McGill JW, Cole JB. Effect of use of a bougie vs endotracheal tube and stylet on first-attempt intubation success among patients with difficult airways undergoing emergency intubation: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2018 Jun 5;319(21):2179-89. [CrossRef] [PubMed]

Cite as: Schmitz ED. Single-use telescopic bougie: case series. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(2):64-8. doi: PDF 

Editor's Note: On April 19, 2020 Dr. Schmitz has submitted a video showing a 6 second intubation using the AIROD and a mannequin which is below.


Safety and Efficacy of Lung Recruitment Maneuvers in Pediatric Post-Operative Cardiac Patients

Renee L. Devor MD1,2

Harjot K. Bassi MD3

Paul Kang MPH4

Tiffany Morandi MD2

Kristi Richardson RT5

John J. Nigro MD2,6

Christine Tenaglia RT5

Chasity Wellnitz RN, BSN, MPH6

Brigham C. Willis MD1,2,7

1Division of Cardiac Critical Care, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona

2Department of Child Health, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona

3Division of Critical Care, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona

4Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona

5Department of Respiratory Therapy, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona

6Division of Cardiology, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona

7Department of Pediatrics, Creighton University School of Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona



Background: Recruitment maneuvers are a dynamic process of transient increases in transpulmonary pressure intended to open unstable airless alveoli. Due to concerns regarding the hemodynamic consequences of recruitment maneuvers in children with heart disease, these maneuvers have not been widely utilized in this population. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of lung recruitment maneuvers in post-operative pediatric cardiac patients. We hypothesized that multiple recruitment maneuvers are physiologically beneficial and hemodynamically tolerated in children with congenital cardiac disease. 

Methods: Retrospective chart review was conducted of post-operative cardiac surgical subjects who received recruitment maneuvers, as well as a matched control group who did not, at a Cardiac ICU in a quaternary care free-standing children’s hospital. Repetitive lung recruitment maneuvers using incremental positive end-expiratory pressure were performed. Hemodynamic and respiratory physiologic variables were recorded.

Results: Sixty-one post-operative cardiac subjects had a total of 435 lung recruitment maneuvers. Assessment of hemodynamic tolerability demonstrated no change in MAP, HR, or CVP during or after the maneuvers. There was a 28% increase in dynamic compliance following recruitment maneuvers (p <0.01, 95% CI). Specific outcomes in the 59 matched control subjects demonstrated no significant difference in length of mechanical ventilation (p = 0.26), length of hospital stay (p = 0.28), mortality (p = 0.58) or difference in occurrence of pneumothorax (p = 0.26). 

Conclusions: Post-operative pediatric cardiac surgical subjects tolerated repeated lung recruitment maneuvers without significant hemodynamic changes. The maneuvers successfully improved dynamic compliance without any adverse effects.


Mechanical ventilation is a common therapy used for pediatric patients in the intensive care unit and is frequently used for children with congenital cardiac disease following surgical repair. However, it is well known that mechanical ventilation can induce lung injury or worsen preexisting lung disease (1-3). In patients with congenital cardiac disease, it is crucial to protect the lung from injury and optimize ventilation and oxygenation due to their underlying hemodynamic and physiologic fragility (4, 5). Post-operatively, several factors including general anesthesia, cardiopulmonary bypass, atelectasis, and hypoxemia can contribute to lung dysfunction, which may lead to prolonged mechanical ventilation (6). Children with such prolonged ventilation are at a higher risk for poor overall outcome due to a variety of ventilator-associated morbidities (7, 8). Therefore, it is of practical value to protect the lungs and reduce the length of time mechanical ventilation is required.

Alveolar injury can be caused by the repetitive opening and closing of alveoli when inadequate positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is provided and this can generate shear stress within the alveoli and promote injury (9-10). Lung recruitment maneuvers have been defined as transient increases in the transpulmonary pressure used to open recruitable collapsed alveoli and increase end expiratory lung volume (11-13). Recruitment maneuvers are often considered useful in patients, especially those with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), to potentially decrease ventilator-induced lung injury by improving oxygenation and lung compliance while reducing the risk of atelectrauma by re-opening and stabilizing collapsed alveoli (11,13-18).

Increased intrathoracic pressure can affect right and left ventricular preload due to decreased venous return, changed right ventricular afterload, and altered biventricular compliance (4,10,14,19-21). This may lead to decreased stroke volume leading to short periods of hypotension, bradycardia, and impaired cardiac output, which is of significant concern in patients with congenital cardiac disease (14). Many patients with congenital cardiac disease must undergo surgical procedures which lead to lung collapse after induction of general anesthesia and during mechanical ventilation (15,22). In those patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass, significant atelectasis occurs which impairs right ventricular (RV) function. However, lung recruitments using positive pressure have been shown to re-expand collapsed alveoli and improve RV function (23-26). There is a theoretical risk of developing barotrauma leading to pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax during a recruitment; however this is likely less a risk in cardiac surgical patients with relatively healthy lungs (10,27,28).

These cardiopulmonary interactions and hemodynamic concerns limit the willingness of many clinicians to perform positive-pressure recruitment maneuvers in patients with underlying cardiac pathology, making studies involving this population uncommon. One study (29) evaluated the use of a recruitment maneuver performed in twenty pediatric patients with congenital cardiac disease who underwent surgical repair. A single recruitment maneuver was performed shortly after coming off of cardiopulmonary bypass and repeated once in the intensive care unit. Although this study was able to demonstrate an improvement in oxygenation, dynamic lung compliance, arterial to end-tidal CO2 gradient, and end expiratory lung volume, it excluded patients with residual intracardiac lesions following surgery, patients with valvular regurgitation, or respiratory failure defined as FiO2 >0.8. Due to the relatively small number of patients included in this study, as well as their protocol prescribing only two recruitment maneuvers performed per patient, it is difficult to ascertain the overall long-term safety and potential benefits that repeated lung recruitments may provide.

In this study, we aimed to investigate the safety and efficacy of increment-decrement recruitment maneuvers in a larger pediatric patient population following surgery for congenital cardiac disease, hypothesizing that multiple recruitment maneuvers are physiologically beneficial and hemodynamically tolerated in these patients. The safety of these maneuvers was evaluated by examining changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and central venous pressure (CVP) before, during, and after the recruitment maneuvers. The efficacy of the recruitment maneuvers was determined by changes in oxygenation index (OI) and dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) following recruitment. To further evaluate the safety of repetitive recruitment we reviewed specific clinical outcomes that included length of mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay (LOS), mortality and occurrence of pneumothorax and compared to a control group.

Materials and Methods

This study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Subjects who received lung recruitment maneuvers post-operatively, as identified in the electronic medical record, in the Phoenix Children’s Hospital cardiac intensive care unit, a quaternary referral center, from July 2011 through June 2012 following implementation of a lung recruitment protocol, were included in the study. Further inclusion criteria included subjects from 0-18 years of age who were admitted immediately after having open heart surgery with both single- and two-ventricle physiology and who remained on invasive mechanical ventilation. All subjects were mechanically ventilated with Servo-I ventilators (Maquet Critical Care, Solna, Sweden). Subjects with a tracheostomy or who were receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support were excluded from the analysis. A comparison group of consecutive control subjects who did not receive recruitment maneuvers was selected in the following year from July 2012 to June 2013 following an institutional hiatus of the maneuvers during which time quality data was reviewed and the safety of the protocol was assessed. Recruitment maneuvers have subsequently been reinstated and are now standard care in our post-operative cardiac patients on invasive mechanical ventilation.

During the study period, lung recruitment maneuvers were a new standard of care implemented at our institution in the cardiac intensive care unit. They were performed by either the respiratory therapist or attending physician. Most patients had twice daily recruitment maneuvers unless more were clinically indicated based on chest x-ray findings or lung mechanics. The patients may also have fewer recruitment maneuvers if they were hemodynamically unstable, having other procedures, if there was ongoing resuscitation or at the discretion of the attending physician.

The recruitment maneuver was performed in pressure control mode regardless of the subject’s baseline mode of ventilation. Initial settings were adjusted to achieve a tidal volume of 6mL/kg. PEEP was increased from baseline by 1-2 cmH2O increments while maintaining a fixed inspiratory driving pressure (PIP-PEEP) with each increase sustained for one-minute intervals until either the tidal volume (VT) or dynamic compliance (Cdyn) declined (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Lung recruitment maneuver: recruitment maneuver protocol courtesy of Boriosi et al. (11). Each horizontal bar represents an incremental increase of PEEP by 2 cm H2O in one-minute increments from baseline PEEP.

The recruitment maneuver was terminated if the mean airway pressure surpassed 28 cm H2O. VT and Cdyn were documented with each increase in PEEP. Once the critical opening pressure was identified, PEEP was decreased in a step-wise manner in one-minute 1-2 cmH2O decrements to the critical closing pressure identified by a decrease in VT or Cdyn. Following this point, the PEEP was again increased to the identified critical opening pressure for one minute. It was then brought back down to 2 cmH2O above the critical closing pressure (i.e. “optimal PEEP” level demonstrated by improved compliance and increased tidal volume with less ventilating pressure). The subject was then placed back on their original mode of ventilatory support with the PEEP adjusted to the optimal level, as determined during the recruitment maneuver in order to maintain the newly recruited areas of the lungs open.

Data Collected: A database was generated with 61 subjects who had lung recruitment maneuvers, and a convenience sample of 59 matched control subjects were selected from our Society for Thoracic Surgeons (STS) database. Demographic data was collected including age, body surface area, associated anomalies or chromosomal abnormalities, cardiac diagnosis, and type of surgical procedure. Clinical outcomes data collected included length of mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay, mortality, and occurrence of pneumothorax.

Hemodynamic variables including MAP, HR, and CVP were monitored and recorded by the bedside nurse and/or respiratory therapist. For each variable, the two hourly vital sign measurements prior to the start of the maneuver, two measurements during, and the first two hourly measurements following the maneuver were included for analysis. In an attempt to minimize error and to provide a more accurate representation of the subject’s status at the time of interest, the two vital sign measurements in each category were averaged as physiologic variables are dynamic. The respiratory physiologic variables monitored were dynamic compliance and oxygenation index. In order to further investigate the clinical effects of potentially decreased cardiac output, we reviewed the changes in inotropic and vasopressor support before, during, and after the performance of each recruitment maneuver.

Statistical Analysis: Subject demographic and clinical characteristics between the control and recruitment maneuver groups were reported as medians, interquartile ranges (IQR) for continuous variables and frequencies, percentages for categorical variables. The Wilcoxon Rank Sum was used to compare the continuous variables; while Chi-squared/Fisher’s Exact Tests were used to compare the categorical variables.  The Linear Mixed Model was used to ascertain trends in hemodynamic outcomes (mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and central venous pressure) across three timepoints (before, during and after the recruitment maneuver).  If the overall trend showed statistical significance, the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to ascertain differences via multiple comparisons followed by the Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons.  Before and after differences in physiological outcomes (oxygenation index and dynamic compliance) were assessed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank.  All p-values were 2-sided and p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. All data analyses were conducted using STATA version 14 (STATACorp; College Station, TX).  


A total of 61 subjects underwent lung recruitment from June 2011 to June 2012 (Table 1) accounting for a total of 439 recruitment maneuvers during this time.

Table 1. Comparison of subjects receiving recruitment maneuvers versus controls.

Recruitment was initiated in the post-operative period once deemed safe by the primary intensivist. The maneuvers were performed as frequently as every two hours but, on average, subjects in the cohort received 2 recruitment maneuvers per ventilator day. Both groups had similar congenital heart disease diagnoses with an average Society of Thoracic Surgeons-European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery Congenital Heart Surgery Mortality Score of 3 in each group covering a variety of anatomical defects and surgical procedures performed. Subjects with residual intracardiac lesions on intraoperative transesophageal echocardiogram were included in the study.

Hemodynamics: All 61 subjects tolerated the maneuvers with no hemodynamic instability defined as hypotension, need for fluid bolus during the recruitment, bradycardia, or dysrhythmias. No subject had any of the maneuvers discontinued prematurely. We found no significant difference in the MAP (p = 0.13, 95% CI) (Figure 2a) or HR (p = 0.74, 95% CI) (Figure 2b) during the time intervals measured.

Figure 2. Hemodynamics: comparison of hemodynamic measurements before, during, and after the recruitment maneuvers. There was no significant change in MAP (Fig 2a), HR (2b), or CVP (2c) during or after the maneuvers. Boxplot with whiskers with minimum/maximum 1.5 IQR.

Due to the transient increase in intrathoracic pressure that theoretically results in a decrease in venous return and therefore cardiac output, CVP was monitored throughout the recruitments. The CVP measurement did not show a significant change with the recruitment maneuver (p = 0.79, 95% CI) (Figure 2c).

In order to further investigate the clinical effects of potentially decreased cardiac output, we reviewed the changes in inotropic and vasopressor support surrounding the performance of the recruitment maneuvers. All infusion rates of epinephrine, norepinephrine, vasopressin, dopamine, milrinone, and calcium were documented prior to, during, and after lung recruitments. Of the 439 recruitment maneuvers performed, 84% were performed without any change in inotropic support during or within 1 hour after completion of the maneuver. Inotropic support was decreased after the recruitment in 12% of maneuvers. Only 3% of maneuvers required an increase in support. No subjects had any significant hypotension requiring fluid bolus administration during or immediately after the maneuvers.

Efficacy: The efficacy of recruitment maneuvers on lung function was determined by measuring changes in the OI and Cdyn before and after recruitment. There was no statistically or clinically significant change in the OI with a median OI before recruitment of 7.3 (IQR 4.1-12.6) and after 7.7 (IQR 4.6-12.6) (p = 0.96, 95% CI) (Figure 3a).

Figure 3. Efficacy: comparison of physiologic measures used to assess efficacy of the recruitment maneuvers. No significant change was demonstrated in the OI before and after recruitment (3a). There was a significant increase in Cdyn by an average of 28% immediately after the maneuvers (3b). Boxplot with whiskers with minimum/maximum 1.5 IQR.

Of the 439 maneuvers, 83% resulted in a measurable improvement of the Cdyn with all 61 of the subjects demonstrating an increase at least once over the course of the interventions. The Cdyn increased from 0.45 ml/cmH2O/kg (IQR 0.37-0.57) to 0.58 ml/cmH2O/kg (IQR 0.47-0.75) afterwards (p < 0.001, 95% CI). (Figure 3b). The duration of improved Cdyn was an average of 8 hours +/- 11.4 hours. Subjects continued to show improvement with repeated efforts.

Clinical Outcomes. All subjects included in this study were on invasive mechanical ventilation support on return from cardiac surgery for a minimum of 24 hours. As shown in Table 2, there was no significant difference in the number of ventilator days between the recruitment maneuver and control groups (p = 0.26, 95% CI).

Table 2. Clinical outcomes.

There was also no difference in the occurrence of extubation failure requiring reintubation between both groups (p = 0.52). There was no difference in hospital LOS with the RM group staying 17.5 days (10.5 – 27) and control group 15 days (9.5 – 23) (p = 0.28, 95% CI) or in the rate of in-hospital mortality (p = 0.58, 95% CI). Despite the theoretical concern for development of pneumothorax with recruitment maneuvers, there was no significant difference in the occurrence between the two groups (p = 0.26, 95% CI).


Our results suggest that lung recruitment maneuvers are well tolerated in the pediatric post-operative cardiac patient population both with and without residual intracardiac shunts, and may be repeated for the duration of their time requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. Despite being at high risk of hemodynamic instability shortly after surgery, especially following complex repair and prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time, our subjects did not require significant preload optimization or escalation of inotropic support during the maneuvers. We were also able to demonstrate that there was an improvement in dynamic lung compliance following the maneuver. Not only were these maneuvers tolerated from a hemodynamic standpoint, but there were no adverse outcomes when compared to control subjects with no difference in the length of mechanical ventilation, LOS, mortality, or the occurrence of pneumothorax.

Advocacy for the optimization of oxygenation and ventilation through the use of an “open lung” strategy, especially in the treatment of ARDS, has been present in the critical care literature for decades. Multiple reports have described the importance of lung recruitment with high inspiratory pressures in addition to the appropriate PEEP above closing pressures to maintain optimal gas exchange and minimize hypercapnia (30). Recruitment maneuvers are recommended in the protective ventilation strategy in adult post-operative patients who have undergone cardiac surgery with significant benefits as compared to traditional ventilation (31,32). To our knowledge, there is very limited data on the use of lung recruitment maneuvers in the pediatric cardiac patient population with the majority of the pediatric literature focusing on the use of these maneuvers in patients with ARDS. Scohy et al. (29) previously evaluated the use of recruitment maneuvers in subjects undergoing surgery for congenital cardiac disease but excluded several key subgroups of these subjects and did not evaluate the continued use of recruitment maneuvers over the entire course of mechanical ventilation. Amorim et al. (6) assessed the tolerance of recruitment maneuvers in a small population of infants who were prone to pulmonary arterial hypertension and excessive pulmonary circulation just after skin closure for open heart surgery. In general, data on the safety of these maneuvers in pediatric patients is very limited.

The efficacy of lung recruitment maneuvers in patients with ARDS remains controversial with some studies suggesting an improvement in oxygenation and dynamic or static compliance (1,11,20,21,33-35), some demonstrating brief or no improvement (36,37), and others that show improvement but suggest that the deleterious hemodynamic effects may outweigh the benefits (14). In children with ARDS, a staircase recruitment strategy has been described to improve oxygenation with increasing PaO2. In order to sustain improved oxygenation, the PEEP must be set above the critical closing pressure of the lung following recruitment (11,21,38,39). Boriosi et al. (11) further described that a “re-recruitment” maneuver that was performed at critical opening pressures for a short period of time improved the PaO2/FiO2 ratio for up to 12 hours and OI for up to four hours following the recruitment maneuver. In our study, we were not able to demonstrate an improvement in the OI. However, we did demonstrate a significant improvement in Cdyn of 29% following completion of each recruitment which was sustained for eight hours. The lack of improvement in oxygenation may be secondary to less primary lung injury in our patient population, or due to the common presence of residual intracardiac shunts. The increase in Cdyn may be a clinically significant change for some patients and could help reduce the time on invasive mechanical ventilation.

The overall goal of recruitment maneuvers is to open atelectatic alveoli, increase end expiratory lung volume, and improve gas exchange. However, as discussed, generation of high intrathoracic pressures during the maneuvers can theoretically result in hemodynamic instability (4,10,14,20,21). Currently, there is no specific non-invasive monitoring that is the best indicator for hemodynamic assessment during recruitment maneuvers, with vital sign changes serving as a surrogate marker for the safety of the recruitment maneuver (40). In our study, there was no change in MAP, HR, or CVP from baseline, during, or after the maneuvers indicating that they were well tolerated from a hemodynamic standpoint with 97% of the recruitment maneuvers using the same or less inotropic support and no subject required fluid bolus administration for hypotension during any of the maneuvers.

The occurrence of barotrauma, including pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax, has been reported with the intermittent increase in peak airway inspiratory pressures (10,27,28). In our study, there was no significant difference in the occurrence of pneumothorax between the two groups. With the preponderance of studies on recruitment maneuvers being performed in the adult ARDS patient population, there is limited data on pediatric outcomes in mortality and duration of mechanical ventilation. A Cochrane review performed by Hodgson et al. (41) demonstrated no reduction in mortality or length of mechanical ventilation following recruitment maneuvers in adult ARDS patients. In our study, we demonstrated similar findings in that there was no difference in mortality, length of mechanical ventilation, or LOS in pediatric post-operative congenital cardiac patients with or without the maneuvers.

There were several limitations to our study. This was a single-center, retrospective study that involved a small pediatric cardiac population. Our assessment of cardiac output was dependent on measurements of MAP and CVP. We also did not investigate the occurrence of hypercapnia during the recruitment maneuvers. Overdistension of open alveoli can occur resulting in an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance and a decrease in blood flow to the alveoli, thereby increasing dead space ventilation (21). There are a number of studies demonstrating that throughout recruitment maneuvers there is an increase in PaCO2, with a potential need to titrate the respiratory rate on the ventilator in order to maintain constant minute ventilation throughout the maneuver, as this development of hypercapnia during the maneuvers may result in adverse effects (11,34,36,41). A multifaceted approach to monitoring the effectiveness as well as any negative consequences of these maneuvers including end-expiratory lung volumes, dead space ventilation, pulmonary compliance, volumetric capnography as well as bedside ultrasound would be beneficial (40). This study was conducted prior to our institution utilizing volumetric CO2 analysis to monitor physiologic gas exchange as well as dead-space ventilation during mechanical ventilation.


Overall, our study demonstrated that pediatric post-operative cardiac subjects, having a wide variety of cardiopulmonary physiology, tolerated repeated recruitment maneuvers without significant hemodynamic changes or adverse outcomes. As has been the case in many previous studies, we did not find any significant improvement in oxygenation, length of mechanical ventilation, or length of stay. However, as recruitment maneuvers have been shown to be an integral part of lung protection strategies and to benefit adults following open heart surgery, it is possible that our pediatric post-operative cardiac patients could benefit from the integration of recruitment maneuvers into ventilator management strategies while on invasive mechanical ventilation. Future prospective studies need to be conducted to further evaluate the potential benefit and utility of lung recruitment maneuvers in pediatric patients without significant lung disease.


We would like to thank the staff of the Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit at Phoenix Children’s Hospital for their assistance and support in this study. We would also like to acknowledge the work of Juan P Boriosi, MD and his colleagues for use of their recruitment protocol and RM diagram (Figure 1) in our study.

Contributions: Renee L. Devor MD1,4,5,6, Harjot K. Bassi, MD1-6, Paul Kang MPH4, Tiffany Morandi MD1-3, Kristi Richardson RT2,3, John J. Nigro MD2, Christine Tenaglia RT2,3, Chasity Wellnitz RN, BSN, MPH2,4, and Brigham C. Willis MD3,6

1Literature search, 2Data collection, 3Study Design, 4Analysis of data, 5Manuscript preparation, 6Review of manuscript


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Cite as: Devor RL, Bassi HK, Kang P, Morandi T, Richardson K, Nigro JJ, Tenaglia C, Wellnitz C, Willis BC. Safety and efficacy of lung recruitment maneuvers in pediatric post-operative cardiac patients. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(1):16-28. doi: PDF 


January 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: A Code Post Lung Needle Biopsy

Sarika Savajiyani MD and Clement U. Singarajah MBBS

 Phoenix VA Medical Center

Phoenix, AZ USA


A 67-year-old man with a history of stage IIA rectal adenocarcinoma post neoadjuvant chemoradiation presented with a near code event after elective CT guided biopsy of an enlarging left lower lobe lung nodule. The patient became bradycardic and profoundly hypotensive immediately after the CT guided biopsy with the following vital signs: Systolic BP < 90 mmHg, HR 40/min sinus bradycardia, SpO2 on 100% oxygen non rebreather was 90%. Telemetry and EKG showed ST elevation in the anterior leads. He complained of vague arm and leg weakness and tingling, but did not lose consciousness or suffer a cardiac arrest. 

A CT scan was performed about 2-3 minutes after the patient deteriorated (Figure 1).

Figure 1. A-E: Representative images from CT scan in soft tissue windows. Lower: Video of CT scan in soft tissue windows.

What radiographic finding likely explains the patient’s clinical deterioration?  (Click on the correct answer to be directed to the second of six pages)

Cite as: Savajiyani S, Singarajah CU. January 2020 critical care case of the month: a code post lung needle biopsy. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(1):1-6. doi: PDF


October 2019 Critical Care Case of the Month: Running Naked in the Park

Spencer Jasper MD

Matthew Adams DO

Jonathan Boyd MD

Jeremiah Garrison MD

Janet Campion MD

The University of Arizona College of Medicine

Tucson, AZ USA


History of Present Illness

A 34-year-old man with a history of IV drug abuse was brought into emergency department by EMS and Tucson Police Department after complaints of naked man running and behaving erratically in a park. On arrival to emergency department patient was acting aggressively towards staff, spitting and attempting to bite. The ER staff attempted multiple times to sedate the patient with benzodiazepines, however, due to continued aggressive behavior, ongoing encephalopathy and the need for increased sedation, the patient was intubated for airway protection.

The patient was febrile (40.6° C), tachycardic (122) and hypertensive (143/86). On physical exam patient was not cooperative, was diaphoretic, cachectic, with reactive constrictive pupils, track marks in antecubital fossa bilaterally. No clonus or hypertonicity. During intubation, there was noted to be nuchal rigidity.

He was then admitted to the medical ICU. Drug intoxication from possible methamphetamines was the presumptive diagnosis of encephalopathy but given nuchal rigidity and fevers there was concern for other etiologies.

Physical Exam

  • Vitals: T 40.6 °C, HR: 122, RR: 22, BP: 143/86, SpO2: 97% WT: 55 kg
  • General: Intubated and sedated, cachectic
  • Eye: Pupils constricted but reactive to light
  • HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic
  • Neck: Stiff, non-tender, no carotid bruits, no JVD, no lymphadenopathy
  • Lungs: Clear to auscultation, non-labored respiration
  • Heart: Normal rate, regular rhythm, no murmur, gallop or peripheral edema
  • Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, non-distended, normal bowel sounds, no masses
  • Skin: Skin is warm, dry and pink, multiple abrasions on the lower extremities bilaterally, track marks noted in the antecubital fossa bilaterally. Large abrasion with bruising around the right knee and erythema and welts on the right shin. Erythematous area on the dorsal surface of the right hand
  • Neurologic: Nonfocal prior to intubation, no clonus or hypertonicity noted

Drug overdose/intoxication was presumptive diagnosis for his acute encephalopathy. Based on physical exam and vitals, what other etiologies should be considered? (click on the correct answer to be directed to the second of seven pages)

  1. Embolic stroke
  2. Heat stroke
  3. Hyperthyroidism
  4. Meningitis
  5. All of the above

Cite as: Jasper S, Adams M, Boyd J, Garrison J, Campion J. October 2019 critical care case of the month: running naked in the park. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2019;19(4):110-8. doi: PDF


Severe Accidental Hypothermia in Phoenix? Active Rewarming Using Thoracic Lavage

Michael Mozer BS1

Guy Raz, MD2

Ryan Wyatt, MD2

Alexander Toledo, DO, PharmD2

1University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine

Biddeford, ME USA

2Department of Emergency Medicine

Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ USA



Hypothermia can progress quickly and become life threatening if left untreated. Rewarming in the severely hypothermic patient is of critical importance and is achieved with active and passive techniques. Here we present a case of a hypothermic patient with cardiac instability for whom thoracic lavage was ultimately used. We will review the treatment of hypothermia and discuss the technical aspects our approach.

Case Presentation

A 53 year-old male with a past medical history of substance abuse, chronic hepatitis C, and poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated by a recent hospitalization for osteomyelitis was brought to the emergency department after being found lying on a road in a shallow pool of water in the early morning hours of a rainy day in Phoenix, Arizona. The ambient temperature that night was 39 °F (3.9 °C). Emergency Medical Services (EMS) noted a decreased level of consciousness and obtained a finger stick glucose of 15 mg/dl. EMS reported a tympanic membrane temperature of 23.9 °C. En route, the patient was administered 2mg naloxone and 25g dextrose intravenously with no improvement in his mental status. On Emergency Department (ED) arrival, the patient had a GCS of 8 (Eyes 4, Verbal 1, Motor 3) and exhibited intermittent posturing. His foot wound appeared clean and without signs of infection. The initial core temperature recorded was 25.9°C via bladder thermometer, systolic blood pressure was 92/50, and heart rate fluctuated between 50 and 90 beats per minute.

After removing wet clothing, initiation of warmed saline, and placing a forced warm air blanket on the patient, he was intubated for airway protection and vasopressors were initiated. Osborn waves were evident on the initial EKG (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Initial EKG with Osborn Waves (arrows).

A warmed ventilator circuit was initiated with only 0.5 °C increase in temperature in first 30 minutes. Despite these measures, he remained hypotensive and unstable. Significant laboratory findings were a white blood cell count of 25.5 thousand (92% neutrophils), lactic acid of 7.6, potassium of 5.8, serum creatinine of 1.05, glucose of 283, INR of 1.1, and urine drug screen positive for cocaine. Given his recalcitrance to norepinephrine and risk of death secondary to fatal dysrhythmia with temperatures below 28 °C intrathoracic lavage initiated.

The right hemithorax was selected for irrigation because left-sided tube placement can induce ventricular fibrillation in a perfusing patient (1). Using standard sterile technique, two 36 French thoracostomy tubes were placed; the first in the second intercostal space along the mid-clavicular line, and the second in the 5th intercostal space in the posterior axillary line (1-3). The tips of the thoracostomy tubes were oriented such that the anterior-superior tube was positioned near the right apex and the lateral-inferior tip was positioned low in the thoracic cavity (1,3). To maintain the temperature of the instilled fluid, a fluid warmer system (Level 1; Smiths Medical; Minneapolis, MN) was used and set to 41 °C. A Christmas tree adapter was used to connect the IV tubing to the superior thoracostomy tube, and a water seal chamber was attached to the inferior tube for passive drainage (3). Flow through the system was targeted to maintain steady passive drainage as described in the literature (1-6).

Thoracic cavity lavage with 41 °C saline was performed and the patient was transferred to the medical ICU after 3 hours in the ED. When he was transferred his core temperature was 29 °C and he remained on norepinephrine for hemodynamic instability. After 2 hours of continued rewarming in the MICU, his core temperature was 32 °C. Osborn waves evident on initial EKG were resolved (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Repeat EKG showing resolution of Osborn waves.

The patient left against medical advice from the hospital 4 days later neurologically intact and without sequela.


Hypothermia can be clinically classified as mild, moderate or severe (7). Mild hypothermia, defined as core temperatures of 32-35 °C, presents with shivering. Amnesia, dysarthria, ataxia, tachycardia, and tachypnea can also be seen (1). Moderate hypothermia, defined as core temperatures of 28-32 °C, usually can present with or without shivering. Stupor, hypoventilation, paradoxical undressing and non-fatal arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation and junctional bradycardia may also be seen (1). Patients with severe hypothermia, generally defined as temperatures below 28 °C, can present with coma, areflexia, pulmonary edema, bradycardia, and hypotension (1). There is a significant risk of fatal cardiac dysrhythmias without rapid therapeutic rewarming (1,7,8).

Rewarming in the hypothermic patient is of critical importance and is achieved with passive and/or active techniques. Attempts to limit heat loss are often unsuccessful, especially in the absence of a normal shiver response. It however remains as the first line treatment for hypothermia (8-10). Passive rewarming is attempted by the removal of cold/wet clothing and keeping the patient covered (8-10). Active external rewarming (AER) is the next line of treatment and consist of the use of externally rewarming devices such as warmed blankets, warm environment, forced air warming (Bair Hugger; 3M; Maplewood, MN) or warm hot water bladders placed in the groin and axilla (1,7-10). Active Internal Rewarming (AIR) techniques can be used to achieve more rapid increases in core temperature and are primarily utilized in cases of cardiac instability or if AER is unsuccessful (8). When available, the method of choice for active internal rewarming (AIR) is cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) as they can achieve the fastest increase in core temperature (9 °C/hr and 6 °C/hr respectively) and provide cardiovascular support (1,8,11,12). Several techniques are described in the literature that can be considered if CPB or ECMO are unavailable. These include esophageal warming devices, endovascular catheters, hemodialysis, and endocavitary lavage (1,2,4-6,13-15). While no randomized controlled trials exist, several case reports and reviews have tried to compare various techniques. These sources to do not seem to favor any particular technique over another but rather reports the rates of temperature rise (1-3,5-7,13-15). Classically, lavage techniques are attempted in the thoracic cavity, the peritoneum, the bladder, the stomach, the esophagus, or the colon. These techniques are generally coupled with warm IV fluids and warming air through the ventilator to limit loss of body heat to iatrogenic procedures during the rewarming attempt (1,7). Thoracic lavage is effective with a reported rewarming rates of 3-6 °C/hr and with excellent outcomes in case reports (1,2,4-6). Here we present a case of a hypothermic patient with cardiac instability where thoracic lavage is used and discuss the technical aspects of this approach.

Our case demonstrates the efficacy of utilizing thoracic cavity lavage for rapid rewarming in patients with severe hypothermia with a pulse and at high risk of fatal cardiac arrhythmia. In multiple case reports, thoracic lavage has been used successfully in hypothermic patients who suffered complete cardiopulmonary collapse requiring CPR (2,4,5). Although warm thoracic lavage is not the treatment of choice in these circumstances, in a facility not equipped with ECMO or CPB and a patient too unstable to transfer, it seemed to us to be the best technique. Gastric, colonic, and bladder lavage offer very minimal heat transfer due to limitations in surface area (2).

Hemodialysis would have required for us to call in a technician and would have required approval by a nephrologist at our institution. Available central venous rewarming catheters require bypass of a failsafe mechanism that does not allow rewarming to be initiated below 30 °C (1). Peritoneal lavage was a plausible choice but does not directly warm the mediastinum (2). While an open mediastinal technique has been used, we did not feel it was appropriate in a patient with a concurrent pulse (1,3). Thoracic lavage is therefore an effective alternative that should be used in cases where CPB and ECMO are unavailable especially in a patient that is hemodynamically unstable and may not survive transfer. The equipment is readily available to any Emergency Medicine or Critical Care physician. In addition, this case exemplifies the positive outcomes that are associated with rapid rewarming in the hypothermic patient with a pulse. We believe our case demonstrates the efficacy of this technique for myocardial protection from hemodynamic collapse, a topic which has not been adequately studied in the literature.


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Cite as: Mozer M, Raz G, Wyatt R, Toledo A. Severe accidental hypothermia in Phoenix? Active rewarming using thoracic lavage. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2019;19(2):79-83. doi: PDF 

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