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Southwest Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowships
In Memoriam

Critical Care

Last 50 Critical Care Postings

(Most recent listed first. Click on title to be directed to the manuscript.)

July 2024 Critical Care Case of the Month: Community-Acquired
April 2024 Critical Care Case of the Month: A 53-year-old Man Presenting
   with Fatal Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage and Cryptogenic Disseminated
   Intravascular Coagulopathy 
Delineating Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Variants in Severe Burn Injury
   Cases: A Retrospective Case Series with Literature Review
Doggonit! A Classic Case of Severe Capnocytophaga canimorsus Sepsis
January 2024 Critical Care Case of the Month: I See Tacoma
October 2023 Critical Care Case of the Month: Multi-Drug Resistant
   K. pneumoniae
May 2023 Critical Care Case of the Month: Not a Humerus Case
Essentials of Airway Management: The Best Tools and Positioning for
   First-Attempt Intubation Success (Review)
March 2023 Critical Care Case of the Month: A Bad Egg
The Effect of Low Dose Dexamethasone on the Reduction of Hypoxaemia
   and Fat Embolism Syndrome After Long Bone Fractures
Unintended Consequence of Jesse’s Law in Arizona Critical Care Medicine
Impact of Cytomegalovirus DNAemia Below the Lower Limit of
   Quantification: Impact of Multistate Model in Lung Transplant Recipients
October 2022 Critical Care Case of the Month: A Middle-Aged Couple “Not
   Acting Right”
Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Right Ventricular Strain: Utility in the
   Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism
Point of Care Ultrasound Utility in the Setting of Chest Pain: A Case of
   Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
A Case of Brugada Phenocopy in Adrenal Insufficiency-Related Pericarditis
Effect Of Exogenous Melatonin on the Incidence of Delirium and Its
   Association with Severity of Illness in Postoperative Surgical ICU Patients
Pediculosis As a Possible Contributor to Community-Acquired MRSA
   Bacteremia and Native Mitral Valve Endocarditis
April 2022 Critical Care Case of the Month: Bullous Skin Lesions in
   the ICU
Leadership in Action: A Student-Run Designated Emphasis in
   Healthcare Leadership
MSSA Pericarditis in a Patient with Systemic Lupus
   Erythematosus Flare
January 2022 Critical Care Case of the Month: Ataque Isquémico
   Transitorio in Spanish 
Rapidly Fatal COVID-19-associated Acute Necrotizing
   Encephalopathy in a Previously Healthy 26-year-old Man 
Utility of Endobronchial Valves in a Patient with Bronchopleural Fistula in
   the Setting of COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report and Brief Review
October 2021 Critical Care Case of the Month: Unexpected Post-
   Operative Shock 
Impact of In Situ Education on Management of Cardiac Arrest after
   Cardiac Surgery
A Case and Brief Review of Bilious Ascites and Abdominal Compartment
   Syndrome from Pancreatitis-Induced Post-Roux-En-Y Gastric Remnant
Methylene Blue Treatment of Pediatric Patients in the Cardiovascular
   Intensive Care Unit
July 2021 Critical Care Case of the Month: When a Chronic Disease
   Becomes Acute
Arizona Hospitals and Health Systems’ Statewide Collaboration Producing a
   Triage Protocol During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ultrasound for Critical Care Physicians: Sometimes It’s Better to Be Lucky
   than Smart
High Volume Plasma Exchange in Acute Liver Failure: A Brief Review
April 2021 Critical Care Case of the Month: Abnormal Acid-Base Balance
   in a Post-Partum Woman
First-Attempt Endotracheal Intubation Success Rate Using A Telescoping
   Steel Bougie
January 2021 Critical Care Case of the Month: A 35-Year-Old Man Found
   Down on the Street
A Case of Athabaskan Brainstem Dysgenesis Syndrome and RSV
   Respiratory Failure
October 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: Unexplained
   Encephalopathy Following Elective Plastic Surgery
Acute Type A Aortic Dissection in a Young Weightlifter: A Case Study with
   an In-Depth Literature Review
July 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: Not the Pearl You Were
   Looking For...
Choosing Among Unproven Therapies for the Treatment of Life-Threatening
   COVID-19 Infection: A Clinician’s Opinion from the Bedside
April 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: Another Emerging Cause
   for Infiltrative Lung Abnormalities
Further COVID-19 Infection Control and Management Recommendations for
   the ICU
COVID-19 Prevention and Control Recommendations for the ICU
Loperamide Abuse: A Case Report and Brief Review
Single-Use Telescopic Bougie: Case Series
Safety and Efficacy of Lung Recruitment Maneuvers in Pediatric Post-
   Operative Cardiac Patients
January 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: A Code Post Lung 
   Needle Biopsy
October 2019 Critical Care Case of the Month: Running Naked in the
Severe Accidental Hypothermia in Phoenix? Active Rewarming Using 
   Thoracic Lavage


For complete critical care listings click here.

The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care publishes articles directed to those who treat patients in the ICU, CCU and SICU including chest physicians, surgeons, pediatricians, pharmacists/pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, critical care nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Manuscripts may be either basic or clinical original investigations or review articles. Potential authors of review articles are encouraged to contact the editors before submission, however, unsolicited review articles will be considered.



April 2020 Critical Care Case of the Month: Another Emerging Cause for Infiltrative Lung Abnormalities

Henry W. Luedy, MD1

Sandra L. Till, DO2

Robert A. Raschke, MD1

1HonorHealth Scottsdale Osborn Medical Center

2Banner University Medical Center-Phoenix

Phoenix, AZ USA


Editor’s Note: the following case presentation represents a compilation of several patients.

History of Present Illness

The patient is a 27-year-old man who presented to the Emergency Department in late February 2020 with fever, cough, and green sputum production. He was recently in Hawaii where he meant his Asian girlfriend and was “partying hard”. He was intoxicated and had recent nausea and vomiting.

PMH, SH and FH

No significant PMH or FH. He does admit to smoking, marijuana use, THC use, and vaping. 

Physical Examination

  • Vital Signs: BP 111/54 (BP Location: Right arm)  | Pulse 74  | Temp 98.7 °F (37.1 °C) (Oral)  | Resp 18  | Ht 5' 11" (1.803 m)  | Wt 72.6 kg (160 lb)  | SpO2 99%  | BMI 22.32 kg/m²
  • General:  Awake, alert, interactive, no acute distress
  • HEENT:  Anicteric, moist mucosa, trachea midline
  • CV:  RRR
  • Lungs: bilateral lower lobe rhonchi, no wheezing, symmetric expansion
  • Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, non-distended, positive bowel sounds
  • Extremities: no Lower extremity edema, no clubbing, no cyanosis
  • Neuro:  No focal deficits, moves all extremities.
  • Psych:  Appropriate

Which of the following are appropriate at this time? (Click on the correct answer to be directed to the second of six pages.)

  1. CBC
  2. Chest X-ray
  3. Electrolytes
  4. 1 and 3
  5. All of the above

Cite as: Luedy HW, Till SL, Raschke RA. April 2020 critical care case of the month: another emerging cause for infiltrative lung abnormalities. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(4):119-23. doi: PDF 


Further COVID-19 Infection Control and Management Recommendations for the ICU

Robert A. Raschke MD

HonorHealth Osborne Medical Center

Scottsdale, AZ USA

An ad hoc committee of intensivists from the Phoenix area has been meeting via Zoom. They are sharing some of their thoughts and recommendations. Like the previous ICU recommendations published in SWJPCC (1), these are not necessarily evidence-based but based on recent experience and published experience with previous coronavirus outbreaks such as SARS. They are meant to supplement CDC recommendations, not to conflict or restate them.

Infection control outside the rooms of suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patients.

  1. All healthcare workers should be allowed to exercise droplet precautions at all times while at work.
  2. All staff should wear a single surgical mask per day to see all non-COVID patients and for rounds. The mask mitigates droplet spread bidirectionally between patients and HCWs and also helps prevent inadvertent touching of the nose and mouth.
  3. Treat all code patients with airborne / standard / contact precautions
  4. Use MDIs in preference to SVNs (as long as MDIs hold out)
  5. Reduce unnecessary staff and visitor traffic in all patient rooms. Avoid duplication of effort, repeated chest examinations with a stethoscope, in the same day by various doctors and nurses, are unlikely to benefit the care of most patients. Don’t enter the patient’s room without a specific purpose and try to perform multiple required tasks with each room entry.
  6. Hand washing before/after: doorknobs, eating, using a computer, phones, googles.
  7. Phones – use your own cellphone rather than shared landlines. Use speaker phone so you don’t have to touch your face.
  8. Consolidate computer use temporally and geographically. Clean your entire workstation (keyboard, mouse, surrounding desktop) before and after each use.
  9. Keep track of and clean any object on your person that might be contaminated with fomites. This includes any medical instruments that you touch will your gloved hands while seeing patients (stethoscope, pen light, googles, etc). Leave these at work.
  10. When walking down hallways, don’t touch things.

Patients under investigation or with known COVID-19.

  1. Avoid use of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) or BiPAP. This in opposition to surviving sepsis campaign recommendations, but data from SARS-CoV-1 show that non-invasive ventilation was associated with increased risk of infection of health care workers (2).
  2. Use metered dose inhalers (MDIs) instead of small volume nebulizers (SVNs).
  3. Use N95 or PAPR during aerosol-producing procedures such as obtaining nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, HFNC, BiPAP, bronchoscopy, intubation, breaking ventilator circuit for any reason, extubation, tracheostomy.
  4. Consider early intubation. Prepare the bag mask with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and attempt rapid sequence intubation with fiberoptic laryngoscope.
  5. If available, powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) using P100 HEPA filters (filter >99.97% of 0.3 um particles) should be considered over N-95 (filter 95% of 5 um particles) masks during this high risk procedure based on prior reports of SARS CoV-1 transmission to health care workers (HCW) wearing N95 masks PAPR protects the entire head and neck of the HCW, but requires additional training on donning/duffing.
  6. If unable to wear PAPR, we recommend N95 masks, gowns and gloves, with googles instead of open face shielded masks. Aerosolized particles are more likely to pass around shields into eyes during these high-risk procedures. Also recommend hats and foot protection.
  7. The smallest number of personnel required to safely perform the intubation should be present in the room. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy may be preferred over direct laryngoscopy to reduce exposure to aerosolized particles.
  8. Once intubated:
    1. Be sure all connections in the ventilator circuit are tight and do not break the circuit casually.  
    2. Place HEPA filter on exhalational limb of ventilator.
    3. Obtain bronchial secretions using closed-circuit suction device

Code blue patients.

  1. Use the same precautions as for COVID-19 patients in all patients for whom a code is called.
  2. We recommend aerosol, contact and standard precautions and eye protection for all code team members for all codes - regardless of whether COVID-19 is suspected. There is no time in a code to determine the likelihood the patient has COVID-19, and bag-masking and intubation will aerosolize the patient’s respiratory secretions.
  3. A HEPA filter should be placed between the patient and the bag mask to reduce aerosolization of viral particles into the atmosphere.

Diagnosis of COVID-19.

The sensitivity of RT-PCR for COVID-19 is currently uncertain, but preliminary data suggests it may only be in the range of 70% for nasopharyngeal swabs and respiratory secretions. Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage may have sensitivity about 90%, but likely poses a risk to HCWs. This poses difficulty in ruling-out COVID-19. Bayesian logic dictates that the pre-test probability of disease influences interpretation of test results.

During active epidemic in Wuhan, the prevalence of COVID-19 among patients admitted with suspicion of having viral pneumonia was 60% (3). Assuming sensitivities by RT-PCR for NP swab of 70%, respiratory secretions 70%, and BAL 90%, and specificity >95%, the false negative rate for a single NP swab used to rule out  COVID-19 is 31.6% - that is, 31.6% of patients taken out of isolation based on the negative NP swab result would actually be infected with COVID-19. If a second test, for instance respiratory secretions or another NP swab were performed on all patients whose first test was negative, the false negative rate for the series of tests is 8.8% - likely still not good enough to rule a patient out with confidence. If the second test was a BAL, the false negative rate for the series is 3.5%.

In patients with high pre-test probability of COVID-19, a negative NP swab PCR cannot be safely relied-upon to rule out COVID-19. We recommend bronchial secretions be sent for PCR (in addition to NP swab) in all suspected patients who are intubated. A negative CT scan reduces the probability that a hospitalized patient has COVID-19, but will uncommonly be “negative” in hospitalized patients in whom the diagnosis is considered.

Infection control at home during a surge.

  1. Clothes: don’t wear jewelry/watches. Wear hospital-laundered scrubs at work, or take off your work clothes when you get home and throw them in wash machine. Leave your work shoes in your car.
  2. Work equipment: Leave stethoscope, pen, googles and other work-related equipment in a locker at work. Wash your hands and ID badge just before getting in your car to leave the hospital. Leave your ID badge in your car while away from work. Don’t bring your personal computer into work unless absolutely necessary.
  3. Food: Put a Purell dispenser in front of the refrigerator. Stay out of the kitchen. If have your food prepared for you. Eat on paper plates and then throw them out yourself.
  4. Use separate bathroom and sleeping quarters if available.


  1. Raschke RA, Till SL, Luedy HW. COVID-19 prevention and control recommendations for the ICU. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(3):95-7. [CrossRef]
  2. Cheng VC, Chan JF, To KK, Yuen KY. Clinical management and infection control of SARS: lessons learned. Antiviral Res. 2013 Nov;100(2):407-19. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  3. Wang W, Xu Y, Gao R, Lu R, Han K, Wu G, Tan W. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in different types of clinical specimens. JAMA. 2020 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print] [CrossRef] [PubMed]

Cite as: Raschke RA. Further COVID-19 infection control and management recommendations for the ICU. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(3):100-2. doi: PDF 


COVID-19 Prevention and Control Recommendations for the ICU

Robert A. Raschke, MD1

Sandra L. Till, DO2

Henry W. Luedy, MD1

1HonorHealth Scottsdale Osborn Medical Center

2Banner University Medical Center-Phoenix

Phoenix, AZ USA

Editor’s Note: We are planning on presenting a case of COVID-19 from Osborn as our case of the month for April. The authors felt we should publish preliminary recommendations now early in the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendations are not necessarily evidence-based but are based on recent experience and published experience with previous coronavirus outbreaks such as SARS.


  • COVID-19 is likely somewhat more infectious than influenza (R value in 2-3 range), and can be transmitted by asymptomatic/presymptomatic persons.
  • COVID-19 is already in the community and likely being spread from person to person, Therefore, not all COVID-19 patients will present with a recognized exposure history. Furthermore, fever and pneumonia are not universally present.
  • As of this writing, >3,300 healthcare workers have been confirmed infected globally with 6 deaths.
  • Testing is currently extremely limited in the US with only a minority of potential cases having been tested at this time. This will likely improve over the next few days to weeks. True incidence likely much higher than reported rates of “confirmed COVID-19”.
  • About 15% of patients with confirmed COVID-19 have severe disease and 5% require ICU level care. Mortality rates of approximately 1-2% may be confounded by undertesting, but is currently more than 10 times higher than that of influenza (approx. mortality of 0.05-0.1%) (1).

Infectious disease control issues in the ICU. We recommend droplet, contact and standard precautions when seeing any patient presenting with symptoms of acute upper or lower respiratory tract infection of unknown etiology, regardless whether they meet full CDC criteria for COVID-19 testing. 

Studies during the SARS epidemic showed that intubation, bag-mask ventilation, non-invasive ventilation and tracheostomy procedures were all associated with increased transmission of SARS to healthcare workers (2).

Code arrest. We recommend aerosol, contact and standard precautions and eye protection for all code team members for all codes - regardless of whether COVID-19 is suspected. There is no time in a code to determine the likelihood of the patient having COVID-19, and bag-masking and intubation will aerosolize the patient’s respiratory secretions. A HEPA filter should be placed between the patient and the bag mask to reduce aerosolization of viral particles into the atmosphere.

Elective or semi-elective endotracheal intubation of patients with possible or confirmed COVID-19. If available, powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) using P100 HEPA filters (filter >99.97% of 0.3 um particles) should be considered over N-95 (filter 95% of 5 um particles) masks during this high-risk procedure based on prior reports of SARS CoV-1 transmission to healthcare workers wearing N95 masks (3). PAPR protects the entire head and neck of the HCW, but requires additional training on donning/duffing.

If unable to wear PAPR, we recommend N95 masks, gowns and gloves, with googles instead of open face shielded masks. Aerosolized particles are more likely to pass around shields into eyes during these high-risk procedures. We also recommend hats and foot protection.

The smallest number of personal required to safely perform the intubation should be present in the room. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy may be preferred over direct laryngoscopy to reduce exposure to aerosolized particles. Once intubated, a HEPA filter should be placed on the exhalational limb of the ventilator.

Non-invasive ventilation and high-flow nasal oxygen. Non-invasive ventilation and high-flow nasal oxygen likely increase the infectivity of COVID-19 by aerosolizing the patient’s respiratory secretions. Consideration should be given to early intubation in patients under investigation or confirmed for COVID-19 (4).

Visitors should not be allowed inside the rooms of such patients except under extreme circumstances and with one-on-one supervision to assure proper use of PPE and handwashing.

Furthermore, we think it is prudent to employ PPE in the rooms of all patients receiving these therapies, since patients with COVID-19 may present atypically (as in the Osborn case). The doors of their rooms should be kept closed, unnecessary traffic in the room reduced, and droplet contact and standard PPE considered, even in patients in whom COVID-19 is not suspected. (This approach has the downside of consuming PPE that might later be in short supply, but has the upside of preserving healthcare workers who also might later be in short supply).


  1. Wu Z, McGoogan JM. Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: summary of a report of 72 314 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. JAMA. 2020 Feb 24. [Epub ahead of print]. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  2. Tran K, Cimon K, Severn M, Pessoa-Silva CL, Conly J. Aerosol generating procedures and risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections to healthcare workers: a systematic review. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35797. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  3. Cheng VC, Chan JF, To KK, Yuen KY. Clinical management and infection control of SARS: lessons learned. Antiviral Res. 2013 Nov;100(2):407-19. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  4. Zuo MZ, Huang YG, Ma WH, Xue ZG, Zhang JQ, Gong YH, Che L; Chinese Society of Anesthesiology Task Force on Airway Management. Expert recommendations for tracheal intubation in critically ill patients with noval [sic] coronavirus disease 2019. Chin Med Sci J. 2020 Feb 27. [CrossRef] [PubMed]

Cite as: Raschke RA, Till SL, Luedy HW. COVID-19 prevention and control recommendations for the ICU. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(3):95-7. doi: PDF 


Loperamide Abuse: A Case Report and Brief Review

Jaclyn Leong DO1

Kava Afu MS-32

Ella Starobinska MD1

Michael Insel MD3 

1Department of Internal Medicine, 2University of Arizona College of Medicine, and 3Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care

Banner University Medical Center

Tucson, AZ USA 

Case Presentation

A 29-year-old man with unspecified mood disorder, childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and 2 prior suicide attempts with zolpidem and methadone presented with altered mental status as a transfer from an outside hospital. The patient was found in his truck outside of a grocery store by a bystander who contacted emergency medical services. At the time, he was noted to have seizure-like activity. He had an empty shopping bag in his possession with 14 empty loperamide (Imodium®) bottles, each were supposed to contain 24 tablets. The patient was taken to the nearest medical facility where he was found to be in status epilepticus. After no response to 4 mg intravenous (IV) lorazepam, he was then intubated for airway protection. Propofol infusion was started and a loading dose of levetiracetam 1600 mg IV was administered. Despite medical management, he continued to show evidence of seizure-like activity. Due to the lack of a neurology service at the hospital, the patient was transferred to our academic medical center.

On arrival, patient was intubated, sedated and hemodynamically stable. Sedation was paused to allow a thorough neurologic examination, at which time, he became agitated and was not redirectable. However, he did not exhibit seizure activity. Toxicology service was consulted for suspected loperamide overdose.

Laboratory workup revealed white blood cell count 16,600 µL with neutrophilic predominance (4000-11000), glucose 205 (70- 106 mg/dL), lactic acid of 10 (0.5- 1.7 mmol/L), creatinine kinase 164 (35- 232 IU/L), creatinine 1.39 ( 0.60- 1.50 mg/dL), EGFR 79 (Normal Low >=60). Tylenol and salicylate levels were undetectable. Urine drug screen was negative. Computer tomography (CT) of the head showed no acute intracranial process. CT abdomen/pelvis showed bibasilar airspace consolidations concerning for aspiration pneumonia. Echo revealed left ventricular ejection fraction of 38% with a large-sized apical, septal, anteroseptal, anterior, inferior, posterior, and lateral wall motion abnormality with hypokinesis to akinesis of the segments.

Electrocardiograms (ECG) initially showed QTc and QRS prolongation of 571 ms and 160 ms, respectively. During the initial 24-hours at our hospital, serial EKGs were performed to monitor QTc. Additionally, patient was treated empirically for aspiration pneumonia with ampicillin/sulbactam.

On day two of his hospitalization, his ECG revealed sinus rhythm, with first-degree AV block and QT prolongation greater than 700 ms. Subsequently, torsades de pointes developed, progressing into ventricular tachycardia storm. Several ampules of bicarbonate were administered, and the patient was cardioverted. Dobutamine and magnesium infusions were started and a temporary transvenous pacer was placed with overdrive pacing initiated at 110 bpm. Over the next 24 hours, magnesium and dobutamine were discontinued. The transvenous pacer was removed on hospital day 4 after the patient demonstrated a native rhythm with normal QRS and QT intervals. Levetiracetam was also discontinued, per neurology recommendations. The patient was safely extubated on hospital day 5. He was subsequently evaluated by the psychiatry service who scheduled close follow up after discharge.


Loperamide is a nonprescription drug used most commonly to control acute, nonspecific diarrhea, as well as chronic diarrhea associated with inflammatory bowel disease. It acts on mu-opioid receptors in the myenteric plexus to reduce peristaltic activity, thus lengthening bowel transit time and lowering volume and frequency of bowel movements (1). In contrast to other opioid receptor agonists, loperamide has poor absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and limited ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (1,2). Consequently, the drug was deemed low risk for physical dependence and abuse and since 1982 has been sold over-the-counter (OTC) (3).

Despite this labeling, there is an increasing number of reports documenting cases of loperamide misuse and abuse (3). It has only recently been discovered that loperamide is being ingested at supratherapeutic doses (>16 mg/day) for its euphoric effects or for the relief of opioid withdrawal symptoms (3,4). In 2013, online reports of recreational loperamide use at doses of 70-100mg began circulating (3). In the following three years, a 71% increase of loperamide-associated presentations to drug and poison control agencies was reported (3,6).

As a result, the cardiotoxic effects of this drug have come to light, particularly QT-prolongation and QRS- widening (3). At supratherapeutic plasma concentrations, loperamide causes a blockade of the human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) cardiac potassium channel with high affinity, delaying repolarization of the cardiac myocytes and affecting QT-interval and QRS complex (5). Life-threatening dysrhythmias ensue, accounting for the increasing rate of deaths associated with loperamide overdose and toxicity (3). Reports of loperamide-associated cardiac toxicity have increased greatly in number over the past few years and include: at least 21 individual published case reports of loperamide cardiotoxicity, including one published in SWJPCC (3,7); 48 cases of serious loperamide-associated cardiac events, identified in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System database; and 22 cases of patients found dead with elevated plasma concentrations of loperamide (3).

Loperamide is just one of an increasing number of OTC drugs with potential abuse because of the stimulant or sedative effects. Other OTC drugs commonly known for abuse are dextromethorphan, pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, diphenhydramine and oxybutynin especially among teenagers, however, loperamide is a less commonly known drug for its opioid abuse. It is important for physicians to be aware of this increasing risk of abuse and significant life-threatening cardiotoxic effects.


  1. Killinger JM, Weintraub HS, Fuller BL. Human pharmacokinetics and comparative bioavailability of loperamide hydrochloride. J Clin Pharmacol. 1979;19:211-8. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  2. Regnard C, Twycross R, Mihalyo M, et al. Loperamide. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2011;42:319-23.[CrossRef] [PubMed]
  3. Wu PE, Juurlink DN. Clinical review: Loperamide toxicity. Annals of Emergency Med. 2017;70:245-52. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  4. Daniulaityte R, Carlson R, Falck R, et al. "I just wanted to tell you that loperamide will work": a web-based study of extra-medical use of loperamide. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013;130:241-4. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  5. Salama A, Levin Y, Jha P, et al. Ventricular fibrillation due to overdose of loperamide, the "poor man's methadone." J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2017;7(4):222-6. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  6. Stanciu CN, Gnanasegaram SA. Loperamide, the "Poor Man's Methadone": Brief review. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 2017;49:18-21. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  7. Watkins SA, Smelski G, French RNE, Insel M, Campion J. January 2019 critical care case of the month: A 32-year-old woman with cardiac arrest. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2019;18(1):1-7. [CrossRef]

Cite as: Leong J, Afu K, Starobinska E, Insel M. Loperamide abuse: a case report and brief review. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(2):73-5. doi: PDF


Single-Use Telescopic Bougie: Case Series

Evan Denis Schmitz MD

La Jolla, CA USA


AIRODTM is a single-use telescopic bougie that is small enough to fit into a pocket. AIRODTM is sterile and can be expanded in hast when needed, saving precious seconds, while attempting to intubate a patient. The non-malleable bougie is able to overcome the compressive force of the oropharyngeal tissue improving the view of the vocal cords and facilitating advancement of an endotracheal tube into the trachea along with a laryngoscope. This series reports four cases of successful first pass intubation with the AIRODTM.


There are approximately 50 million intubations performed a year with 1/3 of those occurring in the USA. A multicenter registry of ED intubations, reporting data from 2002-2012, found that approximately 12% of intubations resulted in adverse intubation-related events such as death (1). In order to reduce the likelihood of adverse events it is imperative that the first attempt at endotracheal intubation is successful (2). Despite increasing adoption of expensive video laryngoscopy first-attempt intubation success rates are only 85% (1). The BEAM trial reported a 96% success rate in first-attempt intubation of a difficult airway with a bougie vs only 82% with endotracheal tube + stylet (3).

AIRODTM was designed to aid in the advancement of an endotracheal tube past the vocal cords with the use of a laryngoscope (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Single-Use Telescopic Bougie in the closed (A) and extended (B) position with an endotracheal tube loaded at the distal end.

AIRODTM can also improve the view of the vocal cords during intubation by displacing oropharyngeal tissue. The following case series demonstrates the usefulness of the AIRODTM: each of the 4 intubations were successful on the first attempt and facilitated by the single-use telescopic bougie without causing any trauma. All intubations were performed by the author.

Case 1

A 70-year-old woman with severe COPD not on home oxygen presented with an oxygen saturation of 70%. She was found to have multi-lobar pneumonia predominately in the right upper and middle lobes. Despite bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) therapy her hypoxia worsened, and she required intubation. Inspection of her oropharynx prior to intubation revealed very prominent 1st incisors as well as canines that were eroded at the roots left worse than right. Multiple black, necrotic molars were noted, right worse than left, with a putrid odor. Her oxygen saturation, despite being on 15L nasal cannula, hovered in the low 90s. In anticipation of a difficult airway the AIRODTM was prepared by extended the rods and ensuring the rods were in the locked position. A Miller 4 blade was gently inserted past the teeth and into the oropharynx. A grade 2 view (larynx plus the posterior surface of epiglottis) was obtained. This was immediately followed by gentle insertion of the AIRODTM which was advanced just distal to the vocal cords. An 8.0 endotracheal tube was advanced down the AIRODTM by the respiratory therapist while the AIRODTM was held in position. As the endotracheal tube was advanced into the oropharynx, hand position was changed from holding the AIRODTM to holding the tip of the endotracheal tube while the respiratory therapist held the distal end of the AIRODTM. The endotracheal tube was then advanced past the vocal cords and into the trachea while the respiratory therapist removed the AIRODTM with ease. No complications occurred. No trauma occurred to the oropharynx, vocal cords or trachea. The patient was successful ventilated and oxygen saturations improved to high 90s.

Case 2

A61-year-old man with severe schizophrenia and acute delirium had a PaO2 of 61 mmHg despite BiPAP 14/6 on 90% fio2 with a minute ventilation of 18 L/min from multi-lobar pneumonia. A Miller 4 blade was gently inserted past the teeth and into the oropharynx. A grade 1 view (whole vocal cords seen; the epiglottis is not seen at all) was obtained. The AIRODTM was gently advanced 2 cm past the vocal cords followed by an assistant advancing a 7.5 endotracheal tube down the AIRODTM until grasped, then the endotracheal tube was slid into the trachea while the assistant held the distal end of the AIRODTM. The AIRODTM was then removed intact with no evidence of airway trauma.

Case 3

A 54-year-old man with severe coronary artery disease on aspirin and Plavix with a history of a seizure disorder associated with alcohol withdrawal became unresponsive and a code blue was called. He was found to be apneic with oxygen saturation in the 50s. He was stimulated by the hospitalist and woke up. He was transferred to the ICU where he became completely unresponsive again and became apneic. He was immediately ventilated with a bag-valve mask and oxygenation improved to 100%. He then bolted up out of bed and became very combative. Propofol was given and he was laid supine and ventilated with a bag-valve mask. Inspection of his oropharynx revealed a very large tongue, some missing and multiple sharp teeth with mouth opening of only 2 fingerbreadths. There was blood and emesis in his oropharynx that was suctioned. A Miller 4 blade was inserted into the oropharynx but only a grade 4 view (the anterior tip of the epiglottis is seen and encroaching on the view of vocal cords obstructing <50% of view) could be obtained. The AIRODTM was inserted into the oropharynx in the fully extended and locked position and the proximal tip was used to gently lift the epiglottis exposing the vocal cords and improving the view to a grade 2. AIRODTM was advanced 2 cm past the vocal cords and an assistant advanced an 8.0 endotracheal tube down the AIRODTM until it was grasped, and the endotracheal tube was advanced successfully past the vocal cords while the assistant held the distal end of the AIRODTM. The AIRODTM was removed intact without any oropharyngeal or vocal cord trauma.

Case 4

A 48-year-old obese who was an alcoholic and a smoker was critically ill with an admission albumin of 0.9 and lactic acid of 9 with multiorgan system failure from an intra-abdominal abscess with septic shock on 15 mcg/min of epinephrine and 25 mcg/min of Levophed. He was obtunded and in acute respiratory failure. The AIRODTM was pre-loaded with an 8.0 endotracheal tube onto the distal end of the AIRODTM prior to providing sedation with Etomidate and bag-valve mask ventilation in anticipation of a difficult airway: full beard, mouth opening 2 cm, large tongue, collapse of the walls of the oropharynx as well as false cords. Using a Miller 4 blade a grade 2 view was obtained and the AIRODTM was advanced 1 cm past the vocal cords followed by the endotracheal tube while an assistant held the distal end. There was no significant desaturation or trauma to the vocal cords or oropharynx. Pre-loading the AIRODTM with the endotracheal tube improved the speed and autonomy of the intubation.


AIRODTM is a single-use telescopic endotracheal intubation bougie. It is rigid, made of stainless steel and sterilized. It telescopes to two feet and has a specialized 20-degree angled tip. Once expanded it locks so it cannot be retracted. An endotracheal tube 7.0 or greater can be advanced over the telescoping bougie for smooth placement in the adult trachea.

AIRODTM is non-malleable and can gently displace oropharyngeal tissue, it does not sag and pull like plastic bougies, the unique locking mechanism prevents collapse and the square handle improves dexterity as well as spatial awareness of the proximal tip.

AIRODTM telescopes open allowing for storage in small spaces such as a pocket or a crash cart without damaging its integrity like so many bougies that are ruined when bent for storage. Because of its small size, it can be stored in a myriad of places and easily accessed by emergency personnel in the field, emergency department, intensive care unit and operating room.

AIRODTM can be used with multiple different varieties of laryngoscopes. My preference is a Miller 4 laryngoscope because of the ability to lift the epiglottis and visualize the vocal cords especially in patients with a large tongue, limited mouth opening and decreased neck mobility. The AIRODTM can be slid along the length of the laryngoscope blade if needed to overcome the force of oropharyngeal tissue. Once the AIRODTM is advanced a few centimeters past the vocal cords the rigidity of the AIRODTM allows advancement of the endotracheal tube with ease because it can withstand the forces applied by the oropharyngeal tissue without significant bending. I have also used a Macintosh laryngoscope with the AIRODTM which allows for displacement of the tongue and oropharyngeal tissue but placement into the vallecula above the epiglottis can limit exposure to the vocal cords. The AIRODTM can overcome the limitation of the Macintosh laryngoscope by directly lifting the epiglottis, exposing the vocal cords then the AIRODTM can be gently slid along the posterior surface of the epiglottis past the vocal cords followed by advancement of an endotracheal tube for successful intubation. Because the AIRODTM is made of steel, similar to the Gliderite stylet used with the Glidescope as well as laryngoscopes and rigid bronchoscopes, it is possible that if used incorrectly trauma to the oropharynx as well as the trachea may occur, and caution is advised.

The cost of the AIRODTM is similar to the Glidescope’s disposable covers that are used with each intubation. Because of the loss of direct sight and acute angles involved in the process of advancing an introducer during intubation with the Glidescope I do not recommend using the AIRODTM with the Glidescope. The AIRODTM was designed only to be used with adults.


AIRODTM is a sterile single-use telescopic bougie that is used along with a laryngoscope when performing endotracheal intubation. Because of its small size it is easily stored in a pocket, helicopter, ambulance, crash cart, operating room, emergency department, intubation box and in the intensive care unit. Its rigidity helps displace oropharyngeal tissue improving the view of the vocal cords and it facilitates advancement of an endotracheal tube. It can also be used in the closed position as a stylet making it an ideal instrument for first-attempt intubation along with a laryngoscope.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures

The author Evan Denis Schmitz, MD is the inventor of the AIRODTM.


  1. Brown CA 3rd, Bair AE, Pallin DJ, Walls RM; NEAR III Investigators. Techniques, success, and adverse events of emergency department adult intubations. Ann Emerg Med. 2015 Apr;65(4):363-70. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
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  3. Driver BE, Prekker ME, Klein LR, Reardon RF, Miner JR, Fagerstrom ET, Cleghorn MR, McGill JW, Cole JB. Effect of use of a bougie vs endotracheal tube and stylet on first-attempt intubation success among patients with difficult airways undergoing emergency intubation: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2018 Jun 5;319(21):2179-89. [CrossRef] [PubMed]

Cite as: Schmitz ED. Single-use telescopic bougie: case series. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;20(2):64-8. doi: PDF 

Editor's Note: On April 19, 2020 Dr. Schmitz has submitted a video showing a 6 second intubation using the AIROD and a mannequin which is below.

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